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Closings and Delays

The safety of our staff and students is our number one priority.

When inclement weather or other school emergencies necessitate school delays and closings, the district will use the VNS automated calling system, district website and social media to communicate with families. Typically the decision to delay or close will be made by 6:15 a.m.

In addition, the following radio and TV news stations will be notified of delays and school closings:



When you have questions about school being delayed or closed, please do NOT call the school. We must have all lines open to communicate with our bus drivers, law enforcement officials, and the media during delays and closings. Listen to local radio stations WMRN/WDIF (1490AM, 94.3FM or 107FM) for updates on delays or closings. We will try to have the news on the radio by 6:15 A.M.

We hope that this explanation helps everyone understand the process that our district staff uses to make the best possible decision for all in our district.