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Gifted Education Services

Gifted Education Specialist

Don Gliebe - Director of Instruction and Assessments or (740) 725-5408

District Plan For Identification Of Children Who Are Gifted 


“Gifted” means students who perform or show potential for performing at remarkably high levels of accomplishment when compared to others of their age, experience, or environment.


The District ensures equal opportunity for all district students identified as gifted to receive services offered by the district.


The district ensures there are ample and appropriate scheduling procedures for assessments and reassessment using:

  • Group tests;
  • Individually-administered tests;
  • Audition, Performance;
  • Display of work;
  • Exhibition; and
  • Checklists

Children may be referred on an ongoing basis, based on the following:

  • Child request (self-referral);
  • Teacher recommendation;
  • Parent/guardian request;
  • Child referral of peer; and
  • Other (e.g., psychologist, community members, principal, gifted coordinator, etc.)

The River Valley Referral Packet "Policies and Plan for the Identification of Children Who Are Gifted" is available for download as PDF files. (See links below.)

Complete Referral Packet

  1. Cover Sheet
  2. Referral Form
  3. Student Profile
  4. Teacher's Questionnaire
  5. Parent Referral Form
  6. Permission for Assessment
  7. Community Referral Form
  8. Self Referral Form

For more information regarding the referral packet, please contact Ronda Uresti, Coordinator of Gifted Education.

Screening and Assessing

The District uses a three-part approach to screen students who perform or show potential for performing at high levels of accomplishment in the areas of superior cognitive ability, specific academic ability, creativity, and visual and/or performing arts.

  • Stage I: Pre-Assessment

The pre-assessment part of the process involves gathering student data from a variety of sources including teacher, parent, and peer nominations, grades, portfolios, observations, review of student records, and outstanding products or performances, etc.

  • Stage II: Assessment for Screening

The screening stage examines the data gathered from the pre-assessment stage and determines if additional assessment is necessary.

In making decisions about additional assessment, existing test data for students is not the sole determining criteria. School personnel examine all available information about a student to determine if an evidence of possible giftedness exists for that student and conduct necessary additional assessment.

  • Stage III: Assessment for Identification

Assessment strategies provide additional data necessary for an identification decision and the delivery of services. Strategies for additional assessment include individual and group testing. Once additional assessment has been completed, the data obtained throughout the stages of identification are evaluated, the identification decision is made and student’s educational needs are determined.


If at anytime, a student wishes to withdraw from gifted programs or services, the request should be written by the parent or child to the building administrator.