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The New RV Farm is Here!

If you drove by the River Valley High School / Middle School campus recently, you may have noticed a new addition on the north side of the property. Our Food Service team recently completed construction for their new high tunnel greenhouse that will be part of the new RV Farm complex. Our Food Services Director, Brent Herdman, has taken an innovative approach to modernize what used to be only a basic school lunch provider. Brent and his team are always looking for new ways to provide quality food for students while also providing an educational benefit for our district. The new RV Farm (Fresh. Accessible. Resourceful. Mindful.) is another example of how this commitment to continuous improvement can benefit our students, staff, and community.

high tunnel greenhouse

The food services team will be working collaboratively with River Valley staff to provide educational opportunities so students can participate in growing crops at the RV Farm. This will also provide an opportunity for students to learn about sustainable farming practices while also providing a deeper understanding of what it takes to produce food for the community. The goal for the produce and crops is for at least 80% to be used in the kitchens at River Valley, making it possible for students to enjoy the fruit of their labor through quality produce. We believe this will help our students, families, and community build lifelong skills to achieve a more self-sustaining and healthier lifestyle.

This exciting new addition to our campus was made possible by a combination of private/corporate donations, grants, and funds raised by the Food Service team. In-kind and financial support has been provided by: Mt. Gilead Farmer's Co-Op, Flat Run C & C, POET, Mid-Ohio Antique Farm Machinery Show, Ag Credit, Douce Agency, LLC Nationwide Insurance, Laucher & Meyer Families, Dave Neidhart, Nathan Smith, Dan Kelly, and Marion Public Health. 

We are incredibly excited to see how our staff and students develop lifelong skills through participation in this new learning lab made possible without using local tax dollars. This is one more way that River Valley Local Schools is using creative solutions to develop self-sustaining new experiences for students and provide opportunities for educational and personal growth.

To learn about opportunities for partnering with or sponsorship of the RV Farm project, please email:

To keep up-to-date with our progress on this project you can follow the RV Farm on Facebook by going to

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